Sunday, February 1, 2009


Have been having awesome training sessions, I think they are the only thing getting me through my long days at the office - you know how you love to hate your training -don't you just love that feeling:). My food has been easy to follow but my body is not responding and I will need to alter something as Gym, cardio and food has been spot on but nothing is moving.
I went down to 55 kilos and now I am back up to 55.9 - my body is really hanging onto fluid. I need to get my sleep patterns a little better and also I think I need to take out the dairy and fruit from my plan. My trainer says my measurements have gone done and I guess I can feel a little bit of difference in my clothes.
Still staying positive and definitely getting lots of positive vibes from everyone here.
I have been so busy so apologise for the absence but I have been snooping around my favourite blogs - keep up the great work, your outstanding attitudes and your wonderful friendships.


RAWCUS said...

WOW!! I haven't spoken to you for so long..... I've been very slack blogging, AWESOME that you are going to compete again!!

I will email you tonight my dear friend!!

Ali xxx

Kimmy said...

Hello beautiful - stay in contact :)

Tara said...

Hiya Kimmy, so cool that you are going to compete again!! thanks for ur kind words on my blog :o)

Keep up the fantastic work!

Tara xxx

Anonymous said...

Sleep is very imporant and can impact your cortisol levels. Here's a link to an article I wrote about it:

Lia xxx

Sue Heintze said...

Hi there lovely lady :) I am stoked to read you are still planning on competing. Is it still the case? Sitting here eating a big bowl of oats and cottage cheese as I type...